To quote Picasso, “Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working.” Another vital component of our group is, quite simply, work. Our driving force undoubtedly lies in our team of excellent professionals who have a real passion for what they do.

There’s simply no other way. If you have personally organised an event before, however small, you will have had to think about each and every detail or element that is key. We work with a group of professionals who share our own passion for what we do. The El Alto Group is inseparable from the great team that supports it.

It is essential to build a team of dedicated professionals who love their job, since although the events sector is certainly very rewarding, it also requires a strong sense of vocation. El Alto Group has succeeded in bringing together a group of professionals with experience and their own personality to make us a company capable of going far with humility and dedication.


The main issue for any event organiser is not having to worry about the running of the event. The aim of any event is usually to ensure the success of a proposal, whatever that may be. If you’re a company and you’re hosting a product launch or a vendor meeting, you don’t want to have to worry about anything other than that objective. Providing that confidence forms the basis of what we do, and then we season the recipe with a lot of love, passion for our work, products of the highest quality, and processes improved over time so that everything is a success. We care about your event and always show the utmost respect for the surroundings in which we operate, the environment and, of course, the people.



EL ALTO VALENCIA SL en calidad de Responsable, le informa que la finalidad del tratamiento de sus datos es gestionar la solicitud de reservas, la inclusión en agenda de contactos y respuesta a la consulta planteada en el mensaje. La legitimación del tratamiento es el consentimiento del interesado. Sus datos no se cederán a terceros, salvo obligación legal. Puede ejercer sus derechos de Acceso, Rectificación, Supresión, Portabilidad, Limitación u Oposición al tratamiento de los datos aportados ante EL ALTO VALENCIA SL


EL ALTO VALENCIA SL en calidad de Responsable del Tratamiento, le informa que la finalidad del tratamiento de sus datos es gestionar la solicitud de presupuestos para eventos concretos realizadas por nuestros clientes y/o futuros clientes. Este tratamiento tiene como base legitimadora el consentimiento del propio interesado y no se cederán datos personales del mismo a terceros salvo por imperativo legal. Puede ejercer sus derechos de acceso, rectificación, supresión, portabilidad, limitación del tratamiento y oposición ante EL ALTO VALENCIA SL, Calle Miguel Angel Blanco 26 Bj de Rafelbunyol 46138 (Valencia)