Growing up alongside our mother, Isabel Alfaro Lassala, was like doing a master’s degree in event and venue management. 

Looking back, it is easy to identify her impeccable and intuitive management and the priceless learning experience it gave us. Above all, however, we see PASSION. Passion not only for the products and the ingredients of our territory and its gastronomic tradition, but also for researching new ways to present them, and, ultimately, for many of the values that El Alto Group continues to hold dear today. It all comes down to the TRUST placed in us by our clients. 


It is now nearly 40 years since our mother, Isabel, decided to found El Alto Group, but we continue to remain loyal to her fundamental vision.

Our formula remains the same today as it was 40 years ago: to listen to the customer and ensure our organisation takes all the smallest details into account. We create an atmosphere of trust, enabling the client to dedicate themselves to their event, safe in the knowledge that they have the support of a great team behind them who will ensure that everything goes perfectly. It’s as simple as that.

We represent the next generation, who continue to do things as we have learned from our elders. We are Isabel’s children, Isabel, Ignacio and Fernando, and we continue to promote her same values with authenticity.

At family meals, we often talk about the number of events we have worked on during that time. Although we may differ slightly in our estimates over the number of celebrations held, we always agree on one fundamental aspect: we are part of the history of the Valencian Community. We have participated and organised hundreds of events of all kinds: corporate events, weddings, celebrations, conferences, meetings, etc. 


EL ALTO VALENCIA SL en calidad de Responsable, le informa que la finalidad del tratamiento de sus datos es gestionar la solicitud de reservas, la inclusión en agenda de contactos y respuesta a la consulta planteada en el mensaje. La legitimación del tratamiento es el consentimiento del interesado. Sus datos no se cederán a terceros, salvo obligación legal. Puede ejercer sus derechos de Acceso, Rectificación, Supresión, Portabilidad, Limitación u Oposición al tratamiento de los datos aportados ante EL ALTO VALENCIA SL


EL ALTO VALENCIA SL en calidad de Responsable del Tratamiento, le informa que la finalidad del tratamiento de sus datos es gestionar la solicitud de presupuestos para eventos concretos realizadas por nuestros clientes y/o futuros clientes. Este tratamiento tiene como base legitimadora el consentimiento del propio interesado y no se cederán datos personales del mismo a terceros salvo por imperativo legal. Puede ejercer sus derechos de acceso, rectificación, supresión, portabilidad, limitación del tratamiento y oposición ante EL ALTO VALENCIA SL, Calle Miguel Angel Blanco 26 Bj de Rafelbunyol 46138 (Valencia)